When to sleep on your side ? Started by: Iz

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  • Iz 1

    When did people start being able to sleep on there sides ?

    Jasmine 3

    I need an answer to this aswell I’m 3 weeks post op and can’t sleep on my back so uncomfortable ! Xx

    Iz 1

    I’ve being looking through a lot of threads, and some people seem to sleep on there sides almost straight away.. I’m going to get a V shaped pillow and some other travel pillows to get me through the first week or so, and then ask the nurse at my post op appointment, as I don’t want to risk doing it too soon

    Laura 4

    Hi I started sleeping on my side at week 4, not all night just usually when I wake up in the night I would then go on my side to get back to sleep. I’m week 5 now and pretty much sleep on my side all night. It wasn’t comfy before because my boobs squished together xx

    Hollie 19

    I was told at my 1 week PO appointment that I could sleep flat rather than sat up
    They tell you to be really careful for the first week to avoid fluid building up and so your incisions don’t stretch and pull and also to give the pocket times to heal other wise you implants may move slightly to (I asked why I have to be so uncomfy haha)
    I’m still propped up slightly and on my back as anything else just aches my chest so bad still! I had unders so my muscles are still really tight so it pulls to lie on my side
    Be careful for the first week and and week two if the nurse says you need more dressings for week 2.. after than just listen
    to your body and sleep on what eve angle is comfy for you 🙂 xx

    Aimee 21

    Hi ladies, I’ve been sleeping on my back at a 45 degree angle since op at my 7 day check up I’ve been told I have to carry on for next 5 weeks like it! Git a v shape pillow to help as it is hard to do it and wNt to roll over on my side.

    Toni 24

    I got told at my 1 week to carry on sleeping propped up then my 2 week po I told the nurse I keep waking up on my side and she said you wouldn’t do that if it wasn’t comfy lol.. I woke up Sunday morning on my stomach don’t ask how but I did I’m 3 week po xx

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