WIDE BRIDGE Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    girls has anyone had a nose job and asked for the bridge to made slim? im not sure if mine has/ :/ cast comes off tomorrow x


    Hi meganleigh …. I had a wide bridge made narrower. The bridge was broken and made smaller / slimmer. I am 3 weeks PO, but it’s still quite swollen and sore, so I don’t know how slim it will end up and probably won’t see if for months yet! How come you are not sure if your bridge has been made narrow? Did you ask your surgeon to do it? Good luck with having your cast off tomorrow. 0:)


    i did ask my surgeon to do it yeah. well my plaster got wet today at it peeled from one edge. when i got another plaster to stick it down again i looked in the mirror and it just looks like it could be wide still. But im just worrying ive still got the bloody cast on. cant you see a difference in your bridge? did have open or closed? xxx


    Hey girls…. I would say the bridge of my nose is still the only bit that is still swollen on my nose…. from the sounds of it maybe thats the bit which takes longer for the swelling to go down…. Im not worried as I was told it would take quite some time for the nose to completely lose all the swelling. @Meganleigh ~ I think once you have your splint taken off, you’ll forget about it, cos you’ll be beaming about your result Heheheheh! 🙂 xx


    @NikkiB YEAH i had Dr G. and Jo i think its the nerves! haha sooo excited xx

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