Will I lose my nipple sensitivity after an uplift?? Started by: Ashley

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  • Ashley 1

    Hi I am booked in on the 30th Jan for an uplift and I was wondering if I will lose my nipple sensitivity??
    Thank you in advance xxx


    I had a uplift on 17th dec and I haven’t lost any sensitivity if anything they more sensitive x

    Ashley 1

    Thank you that’s great to know 🙂 xxx

    missmaid -1

    Hi Ashley, everyone is different.
    After my op one was very sensitive (in a good way!) and one was numb. Then the feeling came back to both but they were so sensitive that they were sore all the time. Now after 4 months I have full feeling in both but they get sore quickly. Can’t stand to have bra seams on them.
    Some people never get the feeling back, some partially, and some go back to normal. Takes a while to know. I expected some loss of feeling but guess I’ve been lucky. Believe that only a minority never get sensitivity return but it’s another of those chances we take. 🙁

    kathryn 1

    I never lost sensitivity after mine and now at 3 weeks post op they seem more sensitive x


    Hi I’m 6 weeks p.o had a bit of weird sensation the other week in them, but currently no feeling. Hopefully it will return, but one of the possible side effects. They say it can take time, but again everyone’s different. Xx

    Ashley 1

    Thank you it’s just something I never thought of until now (silly I know but been so focused on other things) but I guess I will just have to wait and see and keep my fingers crossed for that as well as everything else! Xxx

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