Wonky boobs? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    So I’m just lying in my hospital bed waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up. Have taken some post op pictures and noticed that my left nipple is highly then the other!
    Do you think they might settle into wonky boobs?

    Abbie 13

    Hi @sandral I think they are more than likely to even out as they drop. My left side was a bit different to my right but as I became more upright, mobile and walking around more it evened out.


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    Thanks Abbie, was feeling really worried especially seeing as it my boyfriend who noticed it first!

    Kay 4

    Mine were wonky like that….. I’m 16 dpo and there still wonky, but not as bad. The nurse said at my 1 week check I ts because my left has dropped but not my right & Patience Is the key. Been looking on Internet it can take 12 weeks for them to drop and even out ? I hate waiting though lol xxx

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