WORRYING.. girls who struggle to have bloods taken / struggle with needles&veins Started by: Vanessa

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  • Vanessa 56

    Hey girls!
    I’m absolutely useless at having my bloods done.
    It always takes several injections, nurses, doctors and hospital trips.
    I arent afraid of needles at all! I just don’t seem to part with my blood.
    MYA tried last week to take bloods but couldn’t, so i went to my GP’s this morning.. the nurse tried 3 times and couldnt so she sent me to the hospital to see a phlebotomist who had to attempt 6 times!! before he managed to get anything and I went faint when he finally managed it!

    I’ve had a general anasthetic before, but they couldnt find a vein in my hand to put it in and 13 attempts later they had to put me to sleep using the gas anastheitc and put the canula in while I was already asleep.. this then made me really sick when I was recovery.

    Anyway… following todays 9 needles for 2 bottles of blood… I am really really worried and kind of freaking out over my op next week. I’m convinced they wont be able to get the canula in and I am a nervous wreck now!

    is anybody else out there useless like me with rubbish veins who can mayeb give me a glimmer of hope- share your GA experiences?

    thanks xxx

    Sophie 123

    Oh bless you Hun, that sounds like my worst nightmare as I’m a total needlephobe!! No experience to share as never had g/a before however my mum has really awkward veins and can take them 20-40 mins to get a cannula in if they’re a nurse however she finds a proper anaesthetist is much better at doing then and a lot less painful as they do them all the time. Hopefully they won’t struggle as much as they’re more experienced. Good luck for next week Hun xx

    rachel 7

    My veins r rubbish there really thin and deep and collapse really easy and was worried they may have a few attempts but the anesatist got it in first time I was shocked it was A first!! although I now have a very bruised hand x

    Vanessa 56

    yes after my last canula my vein collapsed!
    thanks @rachel247!
    sophie I know they are more experiecned but the phlebotomist is really experienced taking blood is the only thing they do but he really struggled! so im in such a panic now! @sr93


    I’m like this they always struggle! Just try to keep your hands as warm as possible on the day & keep moving them!
    i had my op yesterday & sat there for ages whilst he tried to get the canmula in my hand, he gave up after a while and did it in my arm with no problem which was surprising! Xx


    Hi hun I’m exactly the same as you too! Have no problems with needles but they struggle getting my veins and when they actually do they normally can’t get any blood! I also faint too,

    I had eye surgery twice and was under a general and it was fine however they did give me the gas to breathe in and I woke up with a cannula so I presume they do it when I’m asleep lol! But normally they can manage to get my blood in a hospital so you should be fine my op is the 1st of May so I’ll be worrying leading up to then the anesthetist is the best person anyway they don’t hurt like the nurses do! Xxx

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