Wounds havent healed,nurse said keep stitches in for another 5 days,normal?? Started by: Kimmy

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  • Kimmy

    hi girls,

    so went for my 7 day post op check today to have stitches removed as i didnt have the dissolvable ones in..she looked at my boobs and said i should keep the stitches in another 5 days which is worrying me as you’re not meant to keep them in for more than 10 days and it’ll be 13 days by Monday! has anyone has this? should i be concerned? the right breast is fine but left one totally bruised and battered and very painful x


    to add: she said my wounds havent healed properly and im a slow healer!


    It was my 7day po check up today too and I have to wear mine for another 4days 🙂 xx

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