1 Week Post Opp, Don’t Know What To Do Started by: Lilly

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  • Lilly 3

    Hi Girls,

    So i’m 1 week post opp excatly today and i saw my nurse who said i am healing fine. I also had a nipple lift. However i am not as big as i thought id be and i feel really disheartened. I am a 12/14 curvy and was offered 450-550cc i went with 550 unders but i feel like i should of been offered 600 at least to get the deseried look i asked for. I know theres still alot of changing to do but by that means swelling to reduce which means they will look smaller. I dont feel like i have a case to be like i am not as big as i wanted and now i feel like its too late. Just annoyed.


    Hi Hun 🙂
    So I think everyone goes through this at some point. I’m only 5dpo at the moment I’ve yet to see mine due to strapping still being on, however they feel great! They can constantly change from anywhere up to a year and the most significant changes first six weeks you being only a week post op you have so much more to come yet I don’t think you should be worrying until all the changes have happened. The swelling goes down and of course they will seem smaller however they then have to drop and fluff out which then makes them bigger this probably hasn’t happened to you yet. I’m sorry your feeling the way you are and I really hope they change for the better but just remember that they will 🙂 xxx


    They will change so much, you’re very early on babe, the next few months you’ll be wondering what you was worried about! Xxxx

    Lisa 24

    In a few months theyll look totally different – dont stress just yet. Your verrrry early on.xx

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