2,4 & 6 Week progress pics 34a to 480cc HP overs Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls, just had my 6 week check and got signed off to excercise. Thought I’d share my progress pics so far. As you can see drop and fluff is real, my PS says they still have a way to go. I know I found it really reassuring in my first week or two post op to see that they do change and fill out, mine we’re so small and tight at first but they seem to get better every day now! X

    Georgia 19

    Hi, yours look great! I had 300 unders and I feel like I should have gone bigger, I am 12 days post op and they have already changed so much again the swelling has gone down loads now and I feel asif they are Shrinking too much! I was flat chested so keep telling myself it’s still bigger than what I had but I expected abit bigger.
    Also how did your scaring heal? You can’t see on your pictures but I was also taken back to how horrible it looks still at the moment hah


    Thanks Georgia! I’m really happy with them. The size thing is so weird in the first few weeks, it’s impossible to tell how they’re going to turn out. I think there’s also quite a bit of emotion involved with surgery and recovery which can lead to a bit of anxiety over the outcome. I’m sure yours will look amazing once they’ve gone through their various phases! I had areola incisions, they’re not 100% healed yet but it’s all looking pretty neat and tidy. x

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