3 days PO / burning Started by: Paige

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  • Paige

    I’m 3 days PO and I’m just wondering if anybody else has had a horrible burning pain on their incision, I think it’s were my drain has been pulled out it’s only on the left side, the nurse called me yesterday and said it is quite normal, but the pain is unableable at times :(:(


    I did. I think it was where the implant was pressing on it x

    Lydia 85

    @paige23 I started with a burning pain around 2/3 dpo inside my right boob. Had a look on the forums and there’s quite a few people that seem to get it. Just make sure you keep on top of taking the painkillers, don’t leave it until it hurts. I wrote all the times down when I took mine so I could remember when to take the next lot. I’m 2wpo tomorrow and still feel it now if I do too much.


    Thanks girls that’s really reassuring for me x


    I’m 5 days post op, my are bubbling, vibrating, I’m walking like I’ve got to footballs sewn in my chest and there itchy ???? Sure it’s all perfectly normal. It’s a trauma your body has sustained so don’t worry xx

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