300 overs yesterday from AA cup! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    So yesterday I finally had my BA. 300 overs from a very small AA cup. Wish I had taken before pictures to compare but I literally could bare to even look at them pre op let alone take pics….regret that! Any way, I’m going to insert pictures (if I can) I’m really looking for girls who have had overs similar to me to upload there progression pictures as i just need a little reassurance that they will drop and fluff? My surgeon says they won’t really drop which worried me a bit! Thanks in advance girlies xxx


    Right I’ve tried for ages to upload! If anyone knows how to do this then let me know!

    gemgem08 20

    Hey Megan. I had 300 cc overs from an A cup. Mine haven’t really dropped and I’m 2 weeks post-op today, but it’s still early days. I love mine though! I never wanted massive boobs but I’ve got a good C cup at least now so I got what I asked for! 🙂

    I just crop my photos and that seems to make them smaller. If that doesn’t work I have an app called Whitagram that you can save a photo in a smaller size. Very easy!

    Gem x

    Stacey 496

    Hi Hun I didn’t have same size overs I had 600cc overs in three weeks post op now and mine haven’t really dropped either but they are changing shape I don’t mind them not dropping tho as I like where there sitting I have pictures on my profile Hun if you add me and wanna look xxx


    @gemgem08 thanks Hun I will try that. I guess if they don’t drop that much I won’t mind, think it’s the swelling that makes them look high up not the actual implant. Have you and @stacey noticed them getting softer at all? Xx


    Try again….


    1 day post op


    Another one

    Stacey 496

    Yeah Hun there getting softer with out a doubt I can’t wait till they are all healed so I can see the finished result xxx


    My best friend was an A and had overs about 6 years ago!! I’ve seen all of her pics ..from, pre op, to hours post op, to now!!! I can assure you they drop and soften! Hers look so natural now, you wouldn’t know she’d had them done! X

    Katie 111

    @megan I soooo hope that mine sit where yours are sitting when I have my op done! I do know from reading alot of the girls stories on here that they have said when you have overs they dont seem drop that much afterwards.
    Yours look amazing anyway 🙂


    Thanks girls. I need to just be patient and wait for the softening to start happening! They actually look a bit different today, like they’ve got a little bit more ‘boob shape’ to them. I think from where the skin is so tight and stretched its holding the implant in more? If that makes sense? Looking forward to seeing changes. @katie thank you sweet! It’s so nice to look down and see boobs not just a flat chest ????

    Vicki 24

    I had high profile 325cc overs.. mine seemed so flat and so far apart the first week but I’m now 15days post op and they’ve grown lol! They are now looking closer together aswell .. I asked my nurse if they will change much with being overs and she said they still have a lot of changing to do so I need to stop being so impatient and wait lol..xx

    Katie 111

    @Megan I usually look down and just see my flat chest and stomach 🙁
    What do they actually feel like? Do you feel like you can feel the implant inside you? Do they feel hard?


    @katie at first they felt hard and the skin felt so stretched but it’s they are starting to feel softer and the swelling that was all the way up to my collar bone has gone down. Lots of positive changes in 5 days! X

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