310cc or 340cc TSX Overs Started by: Charlie

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  • Charlie 4

    Hi, has anyone who is a 34a/ small b had either 310cc or 340cc overs? I would like to see some pics to get an idea of what I will be like as can’t decide between 310 or 340. I don’t want to be absolutely huge just in proportion.

    Jordan 15

    I had 375cc tsx overs. I’m 8st4, 5ft4, size 6/8 and was a 32a. I’m currently in a 34D/DD but they don’t actually look big, especially with clothes on xx

    Charlie 4

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    I’m 5ft 7, 9 and a half stone size 10/12. Just worried 340cc might be too big for me but then don’t want to be disappointed with 310cc and also want to look as natural as possible.

    Louise 26

    Im 5ft2, 8 and a half stone and had 325cc overs so I think you should easily get away with 340 xx

    Laura 143

    I didnt have overs but simalar stats to u, 5’6 9 an a half stone i was a 32c an i had 400cc hp unders an now measure a 32f but wear a 34e, but honestly it sounds far bigger than it is, implants measure bigger because of projection put me at the side of a natural 32f 34e an i guarentee they will look a hell of a lot bigger than i do, id say i look a d. I worried they was going to be too big with me been a c before but honestly they arnt big i look the same in clothes as i did in a padded bra before. Its always worrying before the op but i bet after the op u will wish u went bigger lol, everyone talks about boob greed an it teally does happen but mine just arnt the size i thought id come out yeah they measure a good size but there still small to me lol x

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