350cc Post Op Dr Tsekouras Started by: Rachel Wilcox

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  • Rachel Wilcox -1

    HI all, had my surgery a couple of days ago and was very happy with Dr Tsekouras. I had admission time of 10.45 and was out of surgery by 1pm!

    Previously I was 34B ’empty’ due to breastfeeding. 5ft 7 and 10st. So far happy with results, cant see much due to the bandages.

    Pain has been very manageable, even to the point I got bored so have been working in my laptop in bed. Only downside is a massive itch on my back which I can not get to!!
    Hope every one else who has Dr Tsekouras has a great experience aswell.

    Kate 3

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    Hi Rachel,

    Were you a day case or night? I’m a 34B and I’m planning on having 325cc and 350cc. What size were you aiming to be? I originally chose 300cc and 325cc but Dr Tsekouras said that would get me to a D/DD and I want to be at least a DD really! Bet you can’t wait to see the results ☺️

    Rachel Wilcox -1

    Hi Kate. I was just a day case as I really didn’t need to be in overnight. I went 350cc as I was the same wanting DD. I will post pics on Monday once I have bandages removed so you can see my before and after for reference if it helps

    Kate 3

    I’m a day case too! But live 2.5 hours away, what time was your admission time and when were you discharged? Just trying to work out how long my boyfriend will be waiting for me for.. ah that’s be great thank you would love to see as I’m still so unsure on sizing ☺️

    Rachel Wilcox -1

    I had 10.45 admission time and was discharged at 6pm. They said 4 to 5 hours recovery time after surgery. My mum came to get me and had to wait around for an hour but they let her in the waiting area and made her a tea which was kind. I was at Harley St

    Kate 3

    That’s not too bad and aw that’s nice of them! How are you getting on? Have you had your tape removed yet? 😊

    Rachel Wilcox -1

    I have but it says the file is too large to upload. I was amazed by how much larger they look without the tape

    Kate 3

    Are you happy with the size? ☺️

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