4 DAYS POST OP: When does the pain get better?! Started by: maya henry

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  • maya henry 47

    I am 4 days post op and completely underestimated how much pain I would be in because I was having overs. I’ve been sleeping fine and don’t have any back or shoulder pain but it’s my actual incision site that is causing me pain. I have only been on paracetamol and ibuprofen because I wanted to avoid the constipation/ painful and bloated belly that comes with taking codeine. But today I had to give in and take some codeine because the pain just doesn’t seem to be getting any better.

    I’m more concerned because it’s only my left incision site that’s giving me pain, not both. I’m right handed too so if anything I expected more pain on the right side. It’s not unbearable it’s just stingy and really uncomfortable but I’ve checked the dressings (without peeling them back) and there doesn’t seem to be any leaking or bleeding so I feel like things are fine. I’m just concerned because I don’t understand why I’m only feeling the pain on one side


    Hey Maya Henry 💞

    I had unders and I had the same pain on my left side like stinging and was itchy too I’m also right handed only now and again it still happens especially when I’m using creams and oils on my scars my right side just feels really tender doesn’t really do it on that side i contacted my nurse and she said it’s just a normal part of the healing process on the left side it’s slightly more scabby then my right side they heal at different rates and classed as 2 ops alot of girls seem to have pain near the incision area more on one side but I have no clue why that happens but nurse did say its normal healing
    Xx 💞

    maya henry 47

    I just feel like something isn’t quite right with the incision on one side but I’m too scared to look under the dressing! I can’t even just go to see the nurse because the nearest clinic where I’ve been having all my appointments is about 2 hours away from me and I don’t think I can even make that journey just yet. Do you think my GP would be able to look at it? As that’s much closer to me? Or should I just try and hold out until my 1 week post op which is on the 5th?

    How many days were you on painkillers for? I really thought I would be off them by now, especially because I’ve ran out of all the paracetamol and iburofren I was given when discharged from the hospital xx

    Pink chick 32

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    I was on paracetamol, ibuprofen and cocodamol for about 3 days then stopped the cocodamol. I stopped taking the paracetamol and ibuprofen after about a week. I felt the wounds on both boobs very different as well post op and still do and everything is fine, I’m sure it will be ok but worth a wee check if ur concerned.


    Hey Maya Henry

    Yeah You can go to your GP to have a look at it for you if you cant travel the 2 hours drive to the nurse untill the 5th ? I think it’s all fine and normal but it’s always best to get things checked out if your worried just to put your mind at rest 😊
    I was on pain killers for like 1 and a half weeks to 2 weeks post op I’m 3 weeks and 5 days post op now but was only taking them for the burning pain I got with unders where the cleavage is and all over my boobs 🤢 it was a horrible feeling 🤢
    Don’t worry yourself too much I’m sure if will be okay too 😊xx 💞

    maya henry 47

    Thank you so much for your replies girls, it just goes to show that everyones recovery times really can vary so much! Sometimes I feel like the pain is so stingy that it isn’t normal and something must be wrong but other times i feel completely fine. I think I’ll try and hold out until my checkup because I’m sure I’m probably just being paranoid.

    I don’t know how you coped with unders as even overs have been so painful for me! Hope that your recovery is going well xxx


    Hey Maya Henry💞

    yeah definitely everyones recovery times vary some heal quicker then others
    It just all d
    But we definitely all go through the same incision pain doesn’t matter if it’s overs or unders it’s exactly the same sort of pain with the incision bit I was told this by my surgeon I think I went and asked hundreds of questions before I went ahead with the surgery hahaha

    Definitely don’t worry yourself too much I’m sure when you go to your 1 week post op checkup that everything would be healing nicely 😊

    I can’t believe I’ve gotten through the worst of the pain tbh for the first week and a half I had alot of burning pain through my boobs and down my cleavage it was so sore it made me cry so many times I just wanted it to go and waking up in the middle of the night with it aswell was even worse I also had burning pain in my right armpit 😲
    So glad it’s all gone now my recovery is going well thankyou 😊
    I’ve only got abit of tender breast now when you press on them they feel like there bruised you know that sort of feeling and on the side of my left breast above the incision area it’s abit tender and slight stinging but more when scar creams and bio oil are being applied but it’s all normal 😊💞xx


    Hi maya,

    I’m normally really good with pain, I had overs and assumed I wouldn’t be in too much pain but to be honest with you I was in agony I couldn’t sleep comfortable at all I was taking 60g of codiene 2 paracetamol Every 4 hours and 2 ibuprofen Every 6. I was the same in regards to the area which was painful under my boobs i was 3 days post op and was worried the pain wouldn’t get any better , I was also bloated from the codeine and constipated which made me even more uncomfortable however it does get better , I’m now 3 weeks post op and I’m totally fine, my advice would be if you have pain relief take it! I know being constipated isn’t the best but you are allowed to take laxatives to help you go Which is what I did xx

    ria 1

    I was the same as you re the incision pain being only
    On one side except mine was my right. I mentioned it at my post op and the nurse said I was totally fine so be sure to do the same. Im 3 weeks post op tomorrow and it’s much better now, only an occasional twinge.

    maya henry 47

    It’s so reassuring to hear that you girls had a similar sort of pain! The only real thing I’m suffering with is incision pain, crazy swelling and tight feeling in the mornings, and feeling really wobbly on my feet when I’m on my feet even for short periods of time. I know I’m only 5 days post op but I really did think I’d at least be able to walk around for a bit longer by now. I’ve got some stool softener so I’ve started taking that along with the codeine and the pain is better but it’s only better when I take all paracetamol ibuprofen and codeine. When I first started taking codeine I tried to cut the ibuprofen out but it wasn’t as effective so have to take all 3 to manage the pain, but I only need pain relief the first half of the day and after that I’m fine xx


    Iv been on muscle relaxer for a week, then codine, paracetamol, ibuprofen, religiously for will be 3 weeks this monday, the pain for me has been AWFULLLL for 2 weeks i couldnt get up on my own out of bed i couldnt go the toilet without pain picking my trousers up my fella had to shower me, omg i underestimated too, i had to ring my gp not even a week in for more pain releif because the surgeon only prescribed me a few days of tablets and thank god they did or id have dies hahahah, but all being said im okay not just feel mad bruised on my right boob but nothing i cant handle hope you feel better sooner than i did xxxx

    maya henry 47

    @jessmscanlon1 omg that sounds unbearable, I take it you went under the muscle?! Im now 9 days post op and today was the first day I’ve been on just ibuprofen, no codeine or paracetamol. I only needed it twice today as well so pain wise things are definitely looking up. It was my first proper day out as I had my 1 week post op and I walked around quite a lot all day in London and I feel fine! Just got the odd twinge here and there but I get those anyway, I’m sure it’s just the nerves repairing themselves. Glad you’re finally feeling better too!! xx


    Omg 9 days i still was in such bad pain im so glad for you because what iv been through id tell spmeone not to have it done at the time hahaha, and yeah the nerves repairing just come shooting from no were horrible arnt they xxx

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