600cc Started by: XmasPuds

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  • XmasPuds 38

    Hi girls!
    My last account somehow got deleted!
    I tried on my sizers at the weekend have decided to go for 600cc implants and I am SO excited. Terribly nervous also, in case they are way too big.
    However, I think I’ll be disappointed with 500cc – so sod it!

    helped so much with my decision to just go for it, I appreciate it so much!
    I suppose I’m just looking for some support on here, as I suspect there will be some backlash in my personal life for going so big. My partner however is 10000000% supportive and I am so grateful for that.


    Alison 3

    Are you the girl that’s 5ft 9??
    I am same height and having 450cc overs and worried they are going to be too small!
    Can we swap implants? Ha ha
    I’m sure it will balance you out and if the surgeon was that unhappy he/she would flatly refuse as they wouldn’t want to compromise their good name. I’m sure you have the frame to carry it.. just hold on to that feeling you had when you tried the sizers on, great wasn’t it??? Just think that will be your life forever ????
    I’m 9 days away from surgery and having so many emotions it’s unreal. I will be glad when it’s done and dusted and it’s Christmas, because by then they should have settled, we will look ace at our works dos /parties and it will just be everyday life xxx

    Hannah 214

    @xmaspuds I wish I could go for 600cc haha, maybe next time! But I think you should absolutely do what is right for you, don’t listen to people that may tell you they’re to big. TBH I haven’t even told many people in my personal life I’m having a BA as nowadays so many people don’t understand. It’s great having this forum I think for support :). X

    I added you, hope you don’t mind my surgery is 25th August. And would be great to follow peoples journey that are around the same time 🙂 xx

    Alison 3

    Hannah that is fine!! And thanks for add! Mine on the 22nd ! It’s nice to chat about it as I haven’t told too many people! I’m feeling teary today and I’m not sure why but I’m pretty sure it’s normal! Other than that super excited ???? Xx

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