A step closer to booking my TT… Started by: Nina

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  • Nina 48

    I saw my GP yesterday who has agreed to sign me off work for three weeks when I have my op and that he will be vague about the reasons on the sick note. I really don’t want everyone gossiping about me having a TT…it can be quite a b*tchy environment! Now I just need to see a surgeon I had an op with in March for a small non-cosmetic procedure and get the okay from him and I’ll be ready to go ahead and book! I have a couple of holidays booked which will delay things a bit but hoping to have the procedure in August or September this year 🙂

    Lou 1

    Fantastic Nina…you sound like me I have holidays booked so looking to have mine done in October…exciting! I never thought to see my GP I might have to give it a go…!

    Nina 48

    Hi Lou! Sorry I’ve only just seen your reply as I’ve been in Italy for a week. I had one too many pizzas but I’m back on the straight and narrow now haha.

    Which hospital are you having your procedure at?



    Hi I’m looking to have a similar procedure done. Is there any way I can pm you @nina

    Nina 48

    Hiya @flaxmans, yes add me as a friend then we can chat x

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