Alcohol Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    How long before your op do you need to abstain from alcohol and how long after can you have a drink? Fully aware this makes me sound like i have an issue haha I haven’t just lots of family birthdays in Jan and Early Feb! X


    I’m taking 2 weeks before alcohol free! My op is on the 11th December! And I’m planning on staying alcohol free till Christmas Eve where I’ll treat myself!

    I would abstain for at least a week before the op (alcohol thins the blood)
    And then after you’ll be on medication and feeling rubbish so I guess wait until you’re off the medication

    Lorna 57

    I’ve been told 2 weeks! Same as ibuprofen, vitamins/fish oil capsules as they can all thin your blood. I’m 2 weeks on Friday so I’ll be stopping everything after that. I rarely drink anyway so shouldn’t be a problem for me personally but the vits I’m more concerned about because I can get really tired without them! X

    Rhian 19

    My surgeon told me 4 days before and two weeks after. I left it a good 3/4 weeks before I went on a proper night out – all I can is take it easy I was trashed off nothing haha x

    Jen 107

    @jadeb your post made me snort laugh haha! 🙂 I was told a week before and a week after, but seems like we’ve all had slightly different advice. I don’t drink anyway, can’t drink, whiff of the fumes and I’m a goner so it didn’t really apply to me lol xxx


    It’s 2 weeks.

    I had a drink up until 2 days before my op and I had my first drink at 6 days post op but I just had the 1 with a meal 🙂 x


    Haha! I know I’m a social drinker and I quite often drive so it won’t make much of a difference to me just my luck had a couple of birthday celebrations in the diary! But if I’m told no by my surgeon atleast it saves everyone’s money on getting a cab!! Xx

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