Amazing experience Started by: Mona

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  • Mona 11

    Hey girls I’m sure a lot of you have had your surgeries cancelled or postponed etc and are probably feeling very frustrated. Thought I would write about my recent experience as reading other people’s experiences really helped me make my decision and prepare for my surgery!
    I’m Twenty years old and initially had 32B bra size, with a size 6/8 5’3 petite frame.
    I had my initial consultation at the end of January with Dr Sleiter (I had already reserved an appointment prior, which you can cancel with no consequences for a while) as I had a holiday coming up so had a tight time schedule! I was measured and then tried on implant sizes, I tried on 275, 250, 300 and 325. And decided on 300cc, I was aiming for a 32dd and showed my surgeon some pictures of the look id like to achieve and we both decided 300cc was best for me, I wanted a full bust but not to look like a porn star as I am really small 🤣
    My appointment was booked in for March 20th. The night before I was really nervous (for the first time) and I found watching vlogs of other girls experience on YouTube and keeping busy helped this. I did some beauty treatment; had a bath, scrubbed my tan off, washed and dried my hair, tinted my lashes and brows (as your not allowed any lash extensions etc so felt so bloody ugly!!🤣) and I packed my hospital bag. In your hospital bag I suggest; a comfy outfit like a loose zip up hoody and leggings and uggs/sliders etc, lippy/Vaseline, face moisturiser, earphones and magz for if you have a wait, V pillow AND travel pillow (for journey home!), period stuff just in case, hair band, dressing gown, deodorant and your post op bra (I recommend the Macom, I also have m&s one and the macom is my fave). You don’t need pjs and slippers as you wear the hospital ones.
    I got to the hospital (harley street one) at 9am and was checked in straight away. I wasn’t allowed anyone with me because of corona which was a bit scary but in hindsight, I’m glad as I generally deal with stress better on my own lol. I was seen within 5 minutes, taken to a room had my medical checks and was visited by my surgeon and anaesthetic nurse. Everyone was lovely and put me at ease. I only had a 15 minute wait after all this, where I did feel really nervous but just FaceTimed my boyfriend for a chat, then they came to wheel me down!
    When I was in surgery room, they lay you down and my surgeon held my hand while they put me to sleep and I made him sing to me (think I fell asleep laughing haha) and then it’s like time travel
    I woke up back in the recovery room and was very groggy so I don’t think I was ready to wake up yet, also I was freezing which is a natural side effect of anaesthetic so they wrapped me up in a blanket and put two heaters next to me. They had to give me an oxygen mask for a while as my blood pressure was too high I think? I went back to sleep for a while.
    Woke up again and literally felt fine just starving so they went to get my food! I got up on my own and went for a wee and the nurse came back and was like ‘oh I was just coming to help you with that!’ But honestly I felt fine. Took off my clothes and checked how they looked straight away and no joke immediately loved them they were perfect. Had my little sandwich and loads of drinks as I was so thirsty. They then said I was ready to leave so I called my mum who was waiting in a cafe near by and she drove round to the front and met me to help with my bags as you aren’t meant to lift anything!
    Car journey home was fine except my mums driving as she likes to slam on the breaks (ouch!). She dropped me at my boyfriends. I felt quite high from the drugs so we were all laughing a lot and checking out my now very swollen boobs! We had a takeaway that night and I fell asleep really early as I was so tired. I suggest having everything you need next to your bed where you don’t have to strain to get it (e.g. charger, pain killers, shower wipes, makeup wipes, moisturiser, lippy etc). Put a few round ice packs in the freezer so you always have some to hand and keep using them, they really do help.
    Day 1 post op – I was quite sore and it was a little hard to sit up but I was generally okay. Could still go to the toilet on my own etc and not too much pain at all.
    Day 2 PO – this was probably my worst day pain wise but honestly still manageable! I was really stiff and a bit sore, getting up I needed help from my boyfriend and he helped me have a shallow bath which is nice I recommend doing this makes you feel more clean than the shower wipes I was also using! Sleeping got harder as my back started hurting so take pain killers just before bed.
    Day 3- still pretty sore and fragile, it does have to get worse before it gets better.
    Day 4- from day 4 everything started to get better and I got a lot of mobility back. I kept mobile throughout but on day 4 I went on a half hour walk which was nice but did tire me out. I would recommend to keep going on walks and stay mobile so your body doesn’t seize up and you stay fit (plus you get soooo bloated and constipated, from the pain killers this will help your bloat go down!!).
    The pain was not unbearable at all and to be honest I wouldn’t even call it pain just discomfort, my period pains are worse!
    After two weeks I had barely any pain at all except some back pain from sleeping awkwardly. And it’s so worth it for your new amazing boobs – I think it helped I stayed really positive and had prepared myself for a lot of unbearable pain which I did not have.
    I’m now 4 weeks post op and have no pain at all. The swelling has gone down in my boobs and I do have boob greed but they honestly look amazing and I’m so pleased – everyone keeps saying how good they look. They already feel quite soft too which is nice, not super fake.
    My experience was incredible and I’m so happy. I would say go as big as they’ll let you especially if it’s 25cc difference you may as well get a bit extra! Dr Sleiter was amazing and I would recommend him so much, he gave me a flawless experience and is known for his incredibly tiny, neat scars which I can also vouch for!
    Good luck in your journey girls 💕

    Rebecca 17

    what bra size are measuring at now if you know that is? x

    Lauren 3

    Thanks for writing this, it’s so helpful reading about other peoples experience … makes me feel more at ease knowing what to expect.

    Mona 11

    Rebecca I haven’t been able to be measured yet because of corona and I’m still in the sports bra stage. I would say a D but I’m hoping DD

    Mona 11

    That’s ok Lauren let me know if you have any other questions xx

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