Any 225/250/275 cc implants .. struggling with size Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah 1

    I’m really struggling with my sizing, I don’t want them to be really big and I’m only 4ft 11. I’m about a 32 B now… any recommendations ?

    Mena 2

    I’m 2WPO 5’2, 7 stones and was a 32a. Got 250cc under. Sadly, I’m STILL fitting into my old bras! Just more snugged. Seriously wished I would have gone bigger as I only have one shot at this because, well, it’s so expensive. If I could turn back the clock I’d have gone 350. For your build I’d say go the biggest you can at 275. Depends on what you want to achieve. Boob greed is real just remember ?

    Hannah 1

    Oh no way?? Do you have before / after pictures ?
    Maybe I should go bigger then!

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