Anyone gone for augmentation instead of lift? Started by: jane

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  • jane

    Hi, I had my consultation a while back and I was told I should have a lift, if not a lift then a bigger implant. I decided to go for the lift but my mind has changed now. They said a bigger impant would be heavy and ptib cause more dropge but the thought of the lift just isn’t for me. I’m just wondering if anyone has been advised similar but gone ahead with a normal breast implant instead of a lift and what their experience has been like. Thanks Jayne


    Have you had a look on the uplift forum? I haven’t been in the same boat myself, but from looking on that forum seem to see that those that were borderline are sometimes happy and some not. I suspect it depends on having realistic expectations as well as the severity of the sagging.
    Imagine putting a snooker ball in a sock, it drops straight down due to gravity, and the same happens to implants over time.
    I would ask yourself how you would feel if they’re just a bigger version of how they are now, and that may help you figure out if you would be happy with bigger implants. I personally understand how bigger implants would fill the empty ‘sack’ but to me putting extra weight in something that already doesn’t have much hold, doesn’t make the most sense?


    Hi Jane I was told I was a borderline lift but I went for just the implant I had 375cc overs and had my strapping removed on Monday I was the same I’m def not ready for an uplift yet my surgeon said all boobs sag even fake ones so I could have a lift now and still need one in the future so I just had BA but who knows I may need a lift in a few years I may never want one Il cross that bridge when I come to it x


    @jadeb i am going back for a second consult with Dr Marcellino this Friday as i was also told that i was borderline with grade 1 sagging on my left and and further drop of 1cm on my right – he said that i would be fine for BA on my right but would have suggested uplift in both my boobs were the same as my right!

    i am 26 and still want to have children – i am scared of the scarring to be honest being so young still. he has suggested that i can have 375cc so i was wondering if you have any before and afters you could share please? i am still so torn as to whether i will achieve the look i want!

    any advice i would be so grateful for!


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