Appointment with surgeon Started by: Anita

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  • Anita 4

    I have my appointment with surgeon Dr. Mileto Thursday. Im so nervous but excited at same time. Interested to see what he says i can take

    Hannah 29

    Ah good luck! Have you got a list of questions to take? All of my consultations the doctor has always covered my questions before I’ve had chance to ask them but it’s always good to write a few down just in case. Do you know what you’re after, e.g. size, shape etc?

    Anita 4

    Im a 34a now n want to achieve a D/DD cup. Im so scared of being offered to small. Im 40yrs old and after 3children am a size 12 clothes so hoping they can offer me 350/400cc implants

    Anita 4

    Hi Hannah,
    Had appointment yesterday and Dr. Mileto is giving me 425cc high profile implants under the muscle. Should give me a 34D /34DD. Im now 34a so well excited. Dr. Mileto is so friendly and encouraging, i went by his guidelines and felt so at ease. I had so many questions but he covered them all before I even asked xx

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