Awake from op, my experiance Started by: Shannie

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  • Shannie 8

    Hi girls so heres my day,
    Preston first trust,
    Came here at 2pm was in for half 5 ish.
    After routine tests ect with nurse and seeing surgeon, chilling and messing on phone ect…i was walked to theatre, laying on table wondering what the hell I’d done so worried and surreal, the anethesist came, all staff are super lovely and reasuring, he poped the needle in my hand and explained what he was giving me, said id start to feel drowsy, i had a oxygen mask held over my mouth and told to take deep breaths i just relaxed closed my eyes and took a couple of big deep slow breaths and that was it….here i am! Nothing at all to worry about at all ladies, im awake now and happy, maybe a little clumsy havent stood yet, starving! Do not feel sick at all just really chilled and content! I have no strapping or drains just my bra on, Ate my toast and jam, coffee and as for pain i wouldnt say im in pain, i just feel very tight/sore at incision area, achey warm firm boobs and delicate. Considering whats happened i feel really great. Will keep ontop of meds and take it easy (i have a 1 and 3 year old, so obviously as easy as possible). I had 400cc left boob UHP under the muscle and a 430 cc in my right boob. I have one smaller boob and also un symmetric ribs, one side sits higher than other so surgeon has done what he can to make them look as desired which was nutrual, and around a D – DD cup.

    Im 5’10
    12 stone
    Size 10 top and 34 a empty breast fed boobs with a few minor steetch marks.
    Size 12/14 bottom half

    Ill be discharge around 9.30pm, i am ordering an indian takeaway lol really starving.

    Hope this helps any planned BA ladies. So far so good, my experiance so far has been really delightful, i am expecting pain to fluctuate ect but im sure it’ll fly by and this will be a pleasant memory, happy to chat to anyone not on here often, cant whatsapp ect.

    Hope this helps xxx

    Shannie 8

    Can whatsapp**

    Lindsey 49

    Congrats on the new boobies ???????? I had my surgery on Monday with Mounir, still feeling a little uncomfortable but getting there 🙂 have you managed to have a good peek yet? X

    Shannie 8

    Thanks babe and you to!! I have, i love them very happy and emotional 🙂 id upload pics but need to sort pic collage as files to big, glad to hear your doing ok hun xx

    Kirsty 24

    This is so nice to here 🙂 im booked in for end of jan and so worried about being put to sleep , nice to see positive experiences

    Good luck with your recovery xx

    Jade leeson 10

    I’m glad to hear everything went well!!! 🙂 would it be okay to add me on what’s app? My ops 8th jan, I’m currently an A going for 400cc HP unders so would be good to see how yours turn out :)!


    Ahh congratulations, I had my op today too! Sounds like we are very similar in terms of having manageable pain, just round incision areas!

    I’m not posting much on here in terms of updates but feel free to follow my BA instagram which is holly201217.

    Shannie 8

    Hi girls thanks so much yes i can give a much quicker responce on WhatsApp i dont have insta or anything else 🙁 still behind in times lol…ill add a photo here for yous to see, if anyone wants any info ect im more than happy to chat and reasure/progress uodates and what ever via here when im on or whatsapp; 07949423205 xx

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    Happy recovery Hun 🙂 xx

    Shannie 8

    Thanks love xx

    Maria 21

    Omg I’m your boob twin! I was admitted in preston with Mounir today 2pm too. He told me me I had assymetry due to my ribcage, and my implants are 430cc, same sort of size and stats! I feel just as well as you do too! Happy boob day xx

    Shannie 8

    Ahhh wow Maria no way….keep me updated on your journey babe xx

    Shannie 8

    I think i was sat opposit you actually in the reception! Could be sure xx

    Maria 21

    Omg! I was sitting with my dad. Are you blonde n did you have your hair tied back? We were sitting near the kitchen? Xx

    Shannie 8

    Yessss thats me!! Hope yoir doing ok babe xx

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