Been measured?! 30F! Started by: Abigail Todd

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  • Abigail Todd 14

    I went to Boux Avenue recently to get properly measured as I heard they were good. I got 375cc (had no boobs before) and I’ve been measured a 30F, what the?!?
    Has anyone else been shocked? Like 375 was a C cup.
    I guess all places might be different fitting! But it feels huge! I feel like not many places with go that big?

    Yvette 85

    Hi what was your size pre op? Also did you have overs or unders?? Xx

    Belinda 6

    Omg I am exactly the same as you!! I had nothing, had 375cc got measured yesterday at John Lewis and they said 30FF! I’m going to go somewhere else and see what they say because I don’t believe it! Xx

    Abigail Todd 14

    I got offered 340cc but I went for 375cc and I was so happy with size sometimes I wish I did go a little bigger but I didn’t wanna risk it! As 375 suit my frame I think!
    Just go with your gut and if your unsure go back to your surgeon that’s what I did 🙂

    Abigail Todd 14

    Yvette I literally had nothing! I wouldn’t even fit an A cup! I got unders as I didn’t have enough breast tissue! I wanted unders anyways as they don’t look as fake since I had no boobs x

    Abigail Todd 14

    Isn’t it such a shock!!! I was like to the girl, you sure you aren’t joking? Haha! I don’t believe it either I was gonna go somewhere else! Haha x

    Claudine 196

    Just goes to show how differently they will sit on each person, i was a 34b i had 375cc im now a D but feel more like a C, i do measure a DD at Boux though xxx

    Jane marie 50

    🙂 Your sister size would be a 32 e so you could wear that too if they didn’t have the f My friend measures an E but only looks a small C it’s just the way they fit in the bra xx

    Abigail Todd 14

    I was thinking like what if they didn’t have my size?! But good idea I could go for the 32E! I really wanted a Calvin Klein one but they don’t have those sizes! xx


    i always wore a 34b pre-op. I was measured in Boux Avenue a 30FF, i also went to M&S who measured me 32F, totally shocked as my boobs dont look any larger than a D cup! xxx

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