Breast implant illness?? Started by: HB

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  • HB 2

    Should I be worried about breast implant illness? Anyone had any problems and how common is it? Capsular contraction is also a massive scare for me! Probably the only two things putting me off the surgery! 🙁 xxx

    Michaela 58

    Capsular contraction is more common than Breast implant illness. It’s just unfortunate to those who get this. It just depends on how much you want BA, how much it means to you, and if you’re willing to take those risks. Breast implant illness isn’t actually a recognised illness as of yet, just so you’re aware. There are many girls who have this and have had to have them removed etc. And with CC, further surgery is usually needed and if you get it once, you’re likely to get it again. Saying that, it’s around 10% chance of CC, and as for BII, it could happen to anyone. The implant is a foreign object and the body will always try to reject this. And it also depends on how your body reacts to the silicone aswell. I have taken the gamble 3 weeks ago, as Iv wanted a BA for 6 years or so, as I always felt so low about my A cup breasts. I used to look in the mirror and hate my boobs, and all the nice clothes I couldn’t wear. So for me, I was ready to take that gamble. I hope this helps you make your decision and all the best hun xxxx

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