Breast Uplift Started by: Amanda

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  • Amanda

    I have been considering a breast uplift after have real scary health issue that have made my breasts (sag) a lot. I have lost all confidence with my body due to this issue. Has anyone undergone this surgery and able to give me some advice about it?

    Katie m 15

    Hi Hun I had my surgery last Monday and I am thrilled with the results I’m so glad I went through with it.. feel free to ask away xx


    Hey Katie! The main concern is how much it costs, is it different for every person? I’m from Glasgow and I’m guessing I need to travel to London? Xx

    Katie m 15

    Yeh it’s the same for everyone I think… they do finance or mya piggy bank where u can save money with them etc. there are clinics scattered around but the main hospital where u have the procedure is in London or Manchester i think. Xx

    K.mull 9

    I had mine done nearly 2 weeks ago, so happy already with the results. Inow spend , I spend most of my time looking at them in the mirror. Xx

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