Cleverage gap Started by: Samantha

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  • Samantha 7

    Hello girls,

    Just wondered what sort of gap I’ll have between my boobs after surgery. I know it all depends on how big your gap is before….I just don’t know if mine is big or not.

    Do I measure nipple to nipple or literally the gap between each boob??

    Eilish 27

    I was told by my surgeon the gap doesnt change. Mine looks narrower to me though but not sure if thats just because they havent fully dropped yet x


    Mine was huge! I have photos on my profile… I’m 20 days PO and it’s starting to close… Which is good… It’s still big but I’m hoping it closed a little more so I have a cleavage xx

    Ellie 279

    I had no Clevage at all was so flat and now they are pretty close together! Not sure if that will change as I’m only 7 weeks post op but the gap has 100% got smaller xx

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