Dr Mileto for BA? Started by: Emese

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  • Emese 7

    Hey girls,I have an appointment with dr Mileto for BA next month.I’m thinking to have 300c HP under. Did anyone had a BA with him?any opinions?I would love to see some pictures as well.? Thank you xx


    I’ve just had a BA with Dr Mileto on Friday (27th) he’s absolutely amazing! He comes across really quiet but he’s very informative and will give you the best advice. I’ve got extremely mild scoliosis and as soon as he saw me (from the front not even the back) he questioned if I had it! Goes to show he’s very detailed and experienced. He has Instagram @miletoasthetics give him a follow. I had 400cc HP Under and I was a 32A before and expect to be a 32 DD now

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