Exercise after boob job Started by: Kimberley

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  • Kimberley 6


    Does anyone know when you can officially exercise? I’m 6 weeks post op this weekend. I went to the gym yesterday and did lower body with light weights and stair climber and felt fine. Do you know when we can do upper body/abs/running? I dont have my post op appointment until mid May.

    I had 300cc unders xx

    Lauren 3

    Hiya! I’m having my surgery on Sunday. My surgeon said to leave it 6-8 weeks and to start of slow when I do start exercising. I might just see how much I can do when I start exercising as i already do some Courtney Black and HIIT exercises, don’t know what I’m going to do with myself when I can’t exercise haha 🙂 xx

    Natilly 37


    I had mine done in December.

    I was walking/exercise bike by 3/4 weeks very light lower body stuff, and told by the nurse I could run short distances at 5 weeks but no lifting til 3 months.

    I saw the surgeon at 10 weeks who told me I can do everything, run, lift, whatever I wanted to do – act like they’re normal boobs! So I’ve been back to normal vigorous exercise since then.

    As long as you don’t overdo it too soon and stop if you feel uncomfortable you should be ok, but it might be worth ringing and asking if you’re worried.

    Hope that helps!


    Can I easily run with 275cc under muscle I am without any volume in own boobs, i had 190cc put in year 2009 and i will have to change the implants maybe within a year. I don’t ridiculous look, Just bit more womanly but still able to exercise, running is my passion. I’m a mum of 2 yr old too….

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