Feel implants move down when I get up in the morning? Started by: Nikki

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  • Nikki 9


    4 Weeks post op. When I sit up in the morning I can feel my implants move slowly down. Feels funny also, like mildly painful odd feeling. They feel higher when lay down and can feel then go down when I sit up.

    Is this normal? Anybody else feel the same?

    I’m worrinot d that I haven’t had the breast band in tight enough and the pocket the implant is in as stretch upwards and allowing the implants to move up when lay flat? Then dropping back down when I sit up?

    Worried about it ????

    Eleanor 16

    I had this too, it does eventually go away xx

    Nikki 9

    It’s a horrible feeling… just worried the pocket has stretched too big allowing them to shift up when lay down and then drop when I get up. ????

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