First day back at work since op Started by: Mollie

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  • Mollie 21

    Hey guys!
    It was my first day back at work today and boy oh boy did I know about it. Just wanted to write this to tell you how I felt. As you know I am now just over 2 weeks post op.
    I work in retail at a clothing store and I only worked four hours and I’m shattered. I had a couple of twinges whilst there but nothing out the ordinary. I’m just so glad I only did four hours because I had to nap when I got home 😂.
    Recovery is going really well though so far. Had my two week post op yesterday and incisions are healing nicely. Top tip from me is eat chicken. Protein really helps with healing

    Dee 16

    Ha ha Mollie,
    My hubby & I were only joking last night about eating lots of chicken after the op! We already eat loads so I’m sure I will be positively ‘clucking’ after 6 weeks!!
    I get tired as I’m sat on my arse all day – I work from home – I run my own business. I’m a graphic designer. I reckon I ‘should’ be OK to work sat at my desk after a few days, but will just have to see. I think I may take a week off but then see how i’m feeling & do what I can. Hard to tell until i’m put into that situation I guess.
    Glad to hear recovery is going well – keep us all posted xx

    Kayleigh 2

    Heyy I’m so nervous about going back to work I’m a nursery nurse so it’s gonna be so hard not picking up babies! I’m going back full time aswell don’t no how I’m going to do it as you only managed 4 hours and was shattered after lol.
    Glad the recovery is going well 💕 xx

    Pink chick 32

    @Kayleigh, I’m sure you will be fine, I went back full time after 2.5 weeks and I have a heavy job, I have just been careful and trying to avoid the particularly heavy things. I have been a little tired but not too bad.

    Kayleigh 2

    @ pink chick
    Oh that’s good news thank you, that’s the important thing being careful. X

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