Friday’s Surgery cont….. Started by: Tracy

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  • Tracy 38

    Is anybody still waking up in huge amounts of pain? I can’t begin to think when I’m ever going to feel normal again!!!

    I can’t even see where my boobs are, feels like the whole thing has happened for nothing. This strap and stockings seem to be my life. My hairs a mess and it’s all I can do just to loosely put it in a bobble.

    It’s been almost a week now since the op, when am I turning the friggin corner?????

    Sophia 47

    I was waking up with “morning boob” for the first week, every morning, it was excruciating. But I’m on day 11 now and it’s gone, I haven’t had it for the last few mornings. It was replaced with shoulder ache instead for a few days.
    The first 5-6 days or so are really tough, I struggled, the medication made me so dopey and tired, spaced out and all I wanted to do was sleep and I was miserable but overnight my turning point happened and I woke up one morning and everything just felt so much better. Hang in there, it does get much easier! And they change so much over the first few weeks too, you’ll notice they look different most days. When they took my strapping off I could see the actual size of them, my BF actually swore when he saw them without strapping, they were that much of a change on me lol x

    Sarah 24

    I’ll be honest even though I’m not experiencing pain I’m still getting morning boob and still feeling uncomfortable sometimes with twinges and aches but it’s just not all the time and is def bearable.
    I think Tracey your training point will be 11 days when I think you’ll just feel so much better and especially when you get your strapping off that’s going to be a huge relief on it’s own.
    I’ve been getting bad back pain from sleeping upright though that’s killing me!
    What we do know is unders are a lot more painful and take longer to settle and recover it will happen xx

    Tracy 38

    Thanks girls, sorry to be a whiner xx


    It’ll come Tracy and you’ll forget all about the pain!! Just keep thinking how amazing your boobs are going to look for the summer!!!

    Stacey 6

    I’m 6 days post op now!
    Yes werid twinges and pain occurring! Constantly waking up in the night because of being uncomfortable! So I’m tiered in the day!
    This is my 2nd augmentation so I know there will be light at the end of the tunnel, the first week is the worse just a total write off of life! Ha!

    Halley 40

    I’m feeling fed up today. Every time I think I’m feeling better it’ll start to hurt again, im so exhausted. Tried to go to Boots yesterday for some Lactulose and I was in agony walking around. I’d painted my nails the other day and managed a few things so thought I was making good progress but just ended up upset and embarrassing myself in public! Really scared of making the journey to see the nurse tomorrow now. Can’t imagine being told I’m ok to shower either which is stressing me out as I don’t have a bath. Especially worried I won’t be well enough to go back to work on Tuesday – really freaking out about that. And similarly, my boobs look so small and flat I can’t see that any of this was worth it and worried I’ve made a stupid and expensive decision 🙁 x

    Halley 40

    Also, my stomach feels as though I’ve done an intense core work out. Does anybody else feel discomfort in their stomach like this? Between that and the back ache I just can’t get comfortable at all x

    Tracy 38

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    Yep, back ache from sleeping/sitting up constantly. Numb bum and I’m sure I’m getting abs of steel because they’re the only muscles I can use to move myself x

    Tracy 38

    Halley, about work. Any chance you can get a few more days off, see Your GP maybe?

    Halley 40

    Ugh, I didn’t tell work I’ve had surgery! I’m a prominent person in a place with over 4000 staff and work closely with a lot of males – usually security men or pompous professionals, and I REALLY don’t want them to know. If I could think of a believable minor surgery/operation or something I wouldn’t mind saying I had surgery, or potentially calling in sick on the day if I really can’t make it into work. But I’ve taken this week off as holiday :/

    If someone randomly asked if I’d had a boob job I wouldn’t lie and try to pass them off as natural! But I work with some idiots, and I spend a lot of my life there, so I don’t want unecessary gossip going around at my place of work. My manager is known for being a creep at the best of times *ugh*

    Tracy 38

    Halley it sounds awful. I’m sure you don’t have to state which procedure you’ve had done, just that you have had surgery and have not recovered fully enough to return to work.

    It’s nobody’s business what you’ve had done, you don’t owe anybody an explanation. Arrange to see your GP, see if you can get another couple of days xx

    Claire Glover 37

    Halley if you was to be signed off for a few days could you ask the Dr to not put the reason why due to it being confidential? I’m sure they could give you a sick note without all the reasons why. Then could someone you know possibly take it in for you or see if they would accept that you take it in when you back to work? Try discussing this with the mya nurse tomorrow they may know more about it.

    Halley 40

    I CAN SHOWER!!! Has anyone else been given the go ahead to shower? I’ve got to keep my strapping on for another 2 weeks day and night, then a further three weeks just at night. What’s everyone else up to? X

    , you still have your dressings on? Xx

    Tracy 38

    I can shower too lol. Strap for one more week 24/7, same with sleeping upright. Strap only at night for a few more weeks.

    Felt like I turned a corner today. Def morning boob but less pain through the day and more movement. Still not convinced about the boobs though!

    Tracy 38

    Dressings are off too x

    Claire Glover 37

    Dressings are off and I can shower aswell! All healing well! X

    Sarah 24

    My plasters are still on new smaller ones and I have to wait another week ! Gutted lol but she said they are healing and can shower next week ! I must be a slow healer lol xx


    I’m the same Sarah! Dressings still on but can’t shower. She said I’m healing well but the incisions are still open! 1 more week aghhh!! Xx

    Halley 40

    My stomach bloating is finally starting to go down! Not sure whether it was the cocodamol or antibiotics but I was so uncomfortable and looked pregnant! Still not fully there yet, but glad to be feeling more myself and some of the discomfort, especially when bending forward, has eased off!

    Tracy 38

    My arm and leg swelling has gone but my tummy’s still a bit bloated. Still not keen on my boobs though, can’t bring myself to touch them, I feel disappointed to be honest x

    Halley 40

    I wouldn’t feel that way just yet. Mine are so peculiar looking and I think that’s more likely when you’re very small to begin with and go under so I’m trying not to stress about them just yet. I can see them changing everyday, they really do change so much. I’m taking photos so I can keep comparing them as the days/weeks go on.


    Reading all these comments is starting to make me feel nervous! I know it’s not going to be an easy ride at all! I’m booked in on 14th May to have 375cc UHP and have a week off work, I work in IT so sit at a desk all day. I thought a week would be more than enough? I don’t like the thought of not being able to do things for myself and I’ve read a lot of comments about how you can’t go to the toilet by yourself and things like that!
    Also worried that I won’t like the end result! My BF keeps telling me he doesn’t want them to look fake and stuck on or be too big but to be honest I’ve wanted bigger boobs for years! The whole experience so far has been a roller coaster of emotions! X


    Danielle are you having overs or Unders? Xx

    Halley 40

    Hi ladies, has anyone else got really dry skin? My skin is literally flaking off everywhere. I’m not sure whether it’s from a week not showering, the medication side effects or from being too sore to properly exfoliate and moisturise when I do shower. I’ve never experienced anything like this before, it’s as though my whole body has dandruff!

    Stacey 6

    How strange! Hayley I’m the same!
    I noticed my skin has been dry and my hands super dry thought it was my hand wash! Ha! Maybe it is to do with the op!


    I’m the same it’s driving me crazy! I’m putting it down to 2 weeks not showering! I’m hoping tomorrow I can shower and the plasters will be taken off! Going out Saturday night so hoping I can feel fresh! Haha

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