Gym before 6 weeks??? Started by: VICTORIA

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    Hi ladies I’m desperate to return to the gym, I’m 3 weeks post op and feeling fine lol. Has anyone returned to the gym before 6 weeks? And were you OK? X

    Hannah 214

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    Yeah I returned 3WPO I was going out of my mind at home each evening. Started with 45 min cardio and body weight exercises, did that all last week, then this week 4WPO still cardio but started doing leg weights. 5WPO today so I’m gunna start trying bits of everything and see how it feels, apart from chest obviously :).

    I think if you feel ok in yourself then go for it, you’ll no straight away if something doesn’t feel right xx


    Hey Victoria I really wouldn’t reccomended you do anything strenuous because your boobs haven’t settled at all yet! It’s really not worth the risk especially since you have had unders (checked ur profile) these usually take longer to heal as the surgery is a lot more invasive.

    Any exercise is bound to get ur heart pumping which isn’t advised. Do speak with ur surgeon and nurse who can advise u on what to avoid doing as I have read that weight training on upper body can displace the implants and make them look really messed up.

    If ur feeling really restless a walk around the park would be the best option. Ur implants need to settle down into the pockets tht were made and then fluff out. lifting, pulling, jumping or straining will slow down ur healing process and compromise the end result. Ur half way there now anyway! It’ll fly by

    I’m nearly ten months post op with unders.


    Okay thanks girls. I usually do a class every day straight after the school run in the morning and a class then swim on a Friday, obviously I’m not intending to swim at all, but I’m going out of my mind. Without the gym I seem to be a right grumpy cow lol.. And I’m seeing definite changes with my body i’m not happy about.. Maybe I’ll call the clinic tomorrow and see what they say. Thank you both. X

    lauren 18

    I’m 6wpo Tuesday.
    I started back at 4. Doing light cardio and legs carried that through to 5 n half weeks P.O. and tried abs today and felt completely fine.
    You will know what you can and cannot do your body will tell you ???? xx


    Best of luck hun I thibk Lauren has the right idea wirh legs ans light cardio, swimming would be too much stress for sure x

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