Gym girls worried about unders Started by: Grainne Mears-Bullen

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    I’m at the gym now I’m 5 weeks and 3 days post op. Just trained biceps triceps and shoulders with dumb bells and cables. I’m not gonna say I’m ready to deadlift and bench just yet but I’m not scared. I’m working at about 70% of my usual numbers which is actually pretty standard considering the time I’ve had not training. I feel totally fine. No funny sensations no weird muscle pain. Fine. I’m so chuffed I went with unders now and wasn’t scared it would ruin the gym for me. I’m fully confident I’ll be at 100% in a few weeks time.

    Emily 34

    Thank you for this! Can you keep us updated when you try press-ups or chest exercises

    Helen 33

    So pleased to hear this, I’m having unders on the 9th January, and was concerned about gym time as I have competitions on May


    I will totally keep you updated @emzk28 I feel really good about it. I was worried I’d never be able to hold dumbells again. But I mean zero weirdness. I probably could have pushed myself but actually think easing back in is best in general for having time off. I’m on such a gym buzz that I can lift again. Yay.

    Natalie 5

    Hi Ladies
    Grainne that’s reslly good to hear so thank you for sharing . I’m also having my op on 9th January and worried I’ll be out of the gym for weeks especially with unders so hearing this is great. I guess you just have to go with your body and only do what your body lets you. Helen where are you having your op if you don’t mind me asking ?

    Klzz 11

    Hi it is wonderful hearing this. As I teach fitness classes and I’m having partials. I love my job and you could say exercise is my life but I am a little worried about how it’ll be going back xx


    Honestly girls I was so worried. I’m not sure on the mechanics of it but maybe if your muscles are used to being trained your better off and it’s harder for people taking up training in that way after having unders? Maybe because the muscle is already quite strong I’m not sure. But anyway I really felt fine no weird feeling or anything. I did wear a really nice supportive bra which I suppose is essential but I was on such a buzz and I have the worst DOMs in my legs today from enjoying myself too much lol. Good luck girls nothing to fear I don’t think. I’ll update you in a few weeks x

    Jo 46

    Oh that’s fantastic news! I was worried about this too! Still early days for me and I’m longing for the 5 week mark so I can train again! Also have competitions coming up but not until the summer. Xx

    kelly 58

    i have found the same. I am almost 90% there with my gym now, and I am 7 weeks post op. I tried a pull up and it didn’t feel right at all. Apart from that all is good 🙂 I had 400 cc unders also.

    Rhian 19

    Hi Grainne, do you get any flex distortion at all? Mine is definitely settling down since I had them but I’m still worried about getting back to the gym.. I’m over 3 months and not tried anything yet xx


    Yeah @kellyhalse haha I’m not sure I’ll be doing anything like pull ups for a while but I did some push ups on a box and felt fine. I think jist take it slow and don’t push yourself if it doesn’t feel right.


    Not at all @rhian110186 but I have been wearing very supportive bras so that could possibly lessen it. Legs and cardio are totally fine and I found I could do a lot more with my upper body than I thought I could. Just take it slow start off with some leg stuff get a bit of confidence back and just go back to the lightest weights to test out the motion. Don’t push yourself you’ll be fine. I loved getting back into it. X

    Helen 33

    Natalie, I’m going to London for my op, with Mrs lutz. Can’t wait ????

    Natalie 5

    I’m having it done in Birmingham .Good luck Helen I’m Super excited too .

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