Help! Bad implants – not covered? Started by: Jessica

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  • Jessica 1

    I had my implants done a few years ago with mya. From the first day of surgery they was unprofessional, left me in the room all day alone on morphine and I was in big pain. Since then I have had bad pain in my right breast and very bad rippleing . I’ve been back to mya over and over and told it can happen and to ‘put on weight ‘ even tho i weigh more now then I did then. I was even told at the time to go for the bigger implants (450cc) by my surgeon. I now have lumps in my arm pits caused by the implants but mya don’t get back to me. I email and email to no reply. Has anyone had the same experience and what did they do? I am now past the 3 year point but i complained from the start so it’s not a ‘new case’ . I am thinking of going down the legal road. Has anyone had there’s redone with mya or the same experience as me?


    I personally would do that as they ignored you before the 3 year time out, I went to transforming hospital group and they’re very professional, they’re cheaper too if you need new ones in. But I think you should try and see someone and get some sort of help against Mya

    Jessica 1

    I have, i tryed via email and phone to get more info from then so i can seek further advice and still got nowhere

    Emma 3

    I’d get some legal advice x

    Lissy 2

    So sorry this has happened to you. If you’re on Facebook, there’s a MYA Cosmetic Surgery Justice group for people who have suffered. I’d suggest joining it and they’ll probably advice you on what steps to take as many other women have been through or going through the same. Good luck. X

    Jessica 1

    Omg thank you so much for that information I will look on Facebook now x

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