Help!!!! Op in 5 days!!!! Started by: Kat

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  • Kat 2

    Heyyy,,, so I’m really started to stress out as I’m so indecisive about the size I’m having,,, the surgeon said I could have up to 300 but recommended 275 above muscle high profile round implants, I went away and researched and thought I will ask for 300 next till I see him which I did,, not I’m panicking I’ve not listened to him even though he did say I could have 300 but thought 275,, that 300 are going to be massive for my frame and I’ll look silly and stuck on! I’m 5’1 and 7.6 stone and size 6 in clothes and a 32b now! anyone got any advice??? I just don’t want to regret it! Thanks Kat xxxx


    I’m roughly the same height but chunkier 🙂 I’ve got 350cc unders … Got pictures on my profile

    Megan 18

    Hi I’m the exact same height, weight and dress size as u! I was completely flat before my surgery and I had 350cc high profile unders.
    I’m so so happy with my results. They don’t feel too big for my frame at all. They look normal in t shirts but look bigger when Iv got a cleavage showing top on or a fitted vest. I can send you before and after pics privately if you want xx


    Hi sorry to jump on your post. I have my op on Tuesday and I’m having 350 high profiles under the muscle and was wondering if you could send me your results and how was your recovery? I’m so nervous yet so excited!
    Hope your recovery is going well! Xx

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