holidays or sick note? Started by: Summer

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  • Summer 5

    How have people took time off work to recover, i was just going to use my holidays for the first week and then if i need it for the second week see if i can just take my work laptop home and work from there. However, ive seen that a few people have got a sick not off their doctor to get the time off work. My job isnt that good with sick pay anyway and if i was to be off it would only be the SSP amount that i would get.. if anyone has gotten a sick note how did they go about doing it and can you get one for having a BA? xx

    Caroline 5

    I’ve taken holidays as didn’t want work people knowing or does the sick note not state what you are off for? Hopefully I will be able to work from home! Xx

    Rhian 19

    Some companies won’t accept a sick note as its elective surgery, check your contract or with HR just in case. Some doctors won’t provide a note for the same reason… I’ve just booked mine as annual leave xx

    Laura 8

    I took 2 weeks off in total, a week off holiday and a week on the sick note, technically an employer doesnt claim on the sicknote till after 7 days so although you have given it them they probably wont use it and give you SSP, they will probably just pay you anyway your normal rate anyway. Depends how nice they are! X

    Sarah 64

    2 weeks annual leave for me too. Work won’t accept sick for cosmetic surgery/ associated recovery

    Katie 111

    @summer this might be relevant to you,. Read the part about ‘Telling Your Boss’ xxxxx

    Helen 29

    I checked with HR and I was lucky to be able to take it off sick, but they have now rewritten their policies so no one else will be able. I work for the local council so i thought I would have had to taken it as annual leave but I gave HR a ring they said the day of my op would be annual leave after that I would deemed unfit to work so could take it off with a sick note. I was shocked so it really is worth checking, now I can go somewhere nice with my new boobs later in the year xx

    Summer 5

    Thanks everyone! xx

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