How to decide what size to reduce to? Started by: Jaz

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  • Jaz

    Hi, I had my initial consultation today and have my surgeon consultation next week for reduction and uplift. She asked me what size I want to reduce to (currently a 34F) I am not sure because I have never seen myself with smaller boobs to know which would suit me best-thinking about a D cup. Can anyone give advice on how they came to a decision and what the surgeon did to help you come to a decision. I was told to come to surgeon appointment with an idea and I wont want to be told a size suited by the surgeon that turns out to be too big in my opinion. Any advice appreciated! Thanks x

    Zoe Jordan 17

    A D is a good size. It’s still a nice handful 🙂

    Jessica 1


    I was told by the surgeon that he wouldn’t give me a size just said he would make sure they were in proportion to the rest of my body…. should I be worried? Xx

    Zoe Jordan 17

    Not at all, Jessica! It’s a good answer to give 🙂 I’m sure you’ll have a good handful and feel all the benefits.

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