Idea for sleeping?!?! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, am just enquiring to see if any girls have used this sleep foam wedge for sleeping upright? As I don’t know whether to order it or not! X

    Helen 29

    Hi Rachel I don’t have one of those I have a V pillow and brought couple extra cheap pillows from Asda. I can put each one just where I want to get comfortable. I know that doesn’t answer your question but it’s just another option x

    Sylvianna 47

    is it cheap? if so then go ahead and double up with a v pillow if not like helen said theres plenty of things you can do… i only really was super uncomfortable first few days after that you feel better anyway and also get more creative! 🙂 i now also use one pillow under my bum (fixed the bum aching i got !) and have like 4 pillows on my bed, one of top of the four and one v pillow on top of it and with a cushion i move around for where i want to get comfy, usually have it at my sizes or something… after 2 weeks youre okay to sleep flat on back but i still use my v pillow and just less pillows xxx just to add this was TH?E worst nightmare for me even more so than my fear of the pain (which wasnt even bad lol!) as ive never ever in my life been able to sleep on my back especially upright lol but after day 5 ive been having great sleeps 🙂 xxx

    Sylvianna 47

    might also be worth checking amazon reviews to see how it fares as a general product if you still want to buy that wedge hun 🙂 x

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