Meeting my surgeon Started by: Xannia collis

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    Hiya, so I’m booked in for surgery on the 11th September and meeting my surgeon on the 18th July. I was just wondering what to expect when I meet my surgeon?? What sort of things they go through?? I’m now worried that the size implants the lady at my first consultation suggested for me won’t be as big as I was hoping, and I’m just panicking a bit now. Will they show me the size implant they are going to use? As when the lady was talking about sizes, I just couldn’t really picture it on me. I guess I just want to make sure I’ll be happy with the choice before surgery. Thankyou for any help xx

    Ellen 8


    So when you meet the surgeon he’ll ask you why you want it done and what you’re expecting to achieve (the size and look of them, so whether you like the natural look or a bit more of a ‘fake’ look).

    He’ll assess you and sort of feel what you have, I guess they feel what the breast tissue is like. The surgoen will take measurements like how low down they droop and the gap between your boobs and your shoulders and stuff.

    Once that’s done you’ll probably be told what implant sizes and shapes you can have based on what you’ve said you want and what they have assessed. You can then try the implants on, though they always look bigger because the implants are placed over the boob rather than inside like they would be after surgery so I would go with the biggest that he offers you.

    The surgeon will only let you go to certain sizes depending on things like your frame, measurements and how much breast tissue you have. Trust what they say, I was worried about mine being too big and then I thought they’d be too small but the surgeons know what they’re doing and I love mine now (even though I’m only 3 weeks post-op).

    If you have any other questions or worries then feel free to message me❤️

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