Mr Kazzazi PO bras?? Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 143

    Mr kazzazi reccomends this matalan lace post op bra, but the sizes i think id need are out of stock, i have my op on friday an i will be in strapping for the first week so i do have abit of time yet but i want to be organised an cant get this bra that i need!! Anyone who has had sugery with kazzazi, is there any other bra that he said was ok to wear?? X

    Sarah Jones 16

    I had mr kazazzi and he only recommended me that one, have you got a matalan near you? Xxx

    Laura 143

    Yes i have got one not too far away, its online that they are out of stock so i thought they would be in store too x

    Laura 143

    Also, the biggest size you can get is a DD he thinks i will be either a DD or an E but with swelling will a DD be big enough? I have requested an email when the 34DD comes back into stock xx

    Cath 75

    They reccomened you get a back size bigger to what you are originally. So if your a 34 get a 36, this will also make the cup bigger xx

    Mae 79

    Try again

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    Mae 79

    Ooo it worked!! When I was at my pre op they took this bra out (one above) and advised me on that one.
    I have now checked matalan and can’t find any like that. The closest they have I’ll try to attach to this post.
    Which one did you decide on the end @laura ? Xx

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    Laura 143

    The black one is the one i was trying to order but it hasnt had the size i needed in stock, i told mr kazzazi yesterday when i saw him an he said theres some in asda or primark but he didnt tell me which to order. I ordered a pack of 2 from asda an i have also just ordered that other one that you put up from matalan. I think thats all i will get for now. The ones i got from asda have just come today an the cups look huge lol xx

    Mitch 39

    Hi girl’s I had the same problem they don’t do the lace 1 that he has in his office anymore so I got both the black 1 and 2 white ones same as in pictures above he said the white one is best so I will be using that 1 but will try the black one when I’m a few weeks to see if it’s any good xx

    Mae 79

    Hi @mitch i brought two of the post op bras. Does he not recommend these?? Xx


    Hi all, I’m having an operation with mr kazzazi in less than 2 weeks! Can anybody please tell me what the strapping is like? Is it just under the breast or across it? I am having the op on a Tuesday and on the Friday I am going out for a family members birthday ( so you think I still will be able to go?) also is there any do’s and don’t you recommend during the healing process?

    Mae 79

    Hi @holly I’m 6DPO now from Mr.kazzazi get my straps off tomos!! I’ll try and attach a pic!
    Umm pre op stay away from things like arnica etc as mr kazazzi doesn’t like that. I know this as I asked at my pre op and he said there’s no need to take them. Post op just make sure you sleep at 45 degree angle, have some ice packs and make sure you have everything out ready for you at the right height. I had unders so was very stiff for a few days. Couldn’t reach or lift etc. Pretty much stayed in bed the first 2-3 days resting. By day 4 pain was pretty much gone. Ooh yeh make sure you have a good routine with pain killers, that majorly helped me I think. Xx

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    Hi Mae, thank you so much for the reply. They look brillant, hope it goes well tomorow. I have ordered some ice packs and just picked up some bras from matalan tonight. I am also having unders so I am going to stay at my grandmas while I’m healing so i can rest in bed and she will also help me with things such as lifting. Will they give you a prescription on the day for the pain killers? Thank you so much xx

    Mae 79

    @holly no probs! Yeh me too lol sounds like you have it covered! Yeh had my sister here for thE first two days, didn’t really need her to do that much tbh was just incase. I made like pasta salad etc ready for my lunches and tbh I wasn’t really that hungry for the first couple days!! Yeh they give you a couple days worth of paracetamol and ibuprofen and also the antibiotics. I had to get more of them both and also had a tramadol which I would take early in the morning before I attempted to get up which helped. Xx

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