M&S High Impact Sports Bra Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi ladies,

    So I know the high impact sports bras at M&S are really popular so I was wondering if anyone had experienced the same. I tend to wear mine during the day and then my macoms at night as I prefer the sports bra under clothes but the macom is a bit comfort for sleeping in! Does anyone find that the M&S bra is particularly tight by your armpits? Mine all of a sudden feels very tight and my friend (owns a lingerie shop and is a trained bra fitter) has suggested going up a cup size but before doing so I just wondered if other people commonly find them tight also?? Xx


    I have worn these bras since my op and I find them soo tight around the arm pits, around the band and I went up a back size as well!! They are so uncomfortable but I didn’t want to waste more money buying more bras so I just stuck with them. Now 3wpo they are finally half tolerable x

    Sylvianna 47

    they do get pretty tight around the armpits yeah haha, and same i also have the macom bra but prefer to wear the M&S one now under my clothes as I think it looks better

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