My journey so far, 3 wks PO Started by: Emily

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  • Emily 7

    So I thought I’d do a little update. From op until now.

    I’m 3 wkspo, nipple lift with 325/350cc HP unders with dr Fiumara, had empty 32c, no breast tissue & sagging skin due to exercise, fat loss & general aging. Wanted very natural, proportionate breasts did NOT want large fake looking breasts, I’m 5’2 & 8st 5. Hence why I chose Dr Fiumara, this is her specialty.

    I felt a total nervous wreck the weekend before, wondered what on earth I was doing to myself. Got terrified they were going to be too big, didn’t know how I’d cope with no Gym or yoga & was leaving my business to my staff to run alone for a month!

    Day of surgery felt absolutely fine despite previous fears, went down at 11am, 3 hour op and was back in my room by 3pm. No pain just felt super tight & tender, was expecting the worst so I felt great! Stayed in due to lift as well as implant, was looked after really well by everyone at mya! Felt totally relaxed!

    First week was on my own from day 3 & Off the codeine by day 4 as I have ibs & the codeine affected this terribly. Had such hideous bloating! No actual breast pain, just discomfort & tightness. Breasts felt huge but I had gone from practically nothing to instant boobs so to be expected. But I felt much more feminine straight away and they don’t look too big for my frame at all! But would not want them any bigger. Lots of swelling & they felt rock hard! Slept really well, this was a shock! Dying from not showering, washing hair & not being able to use my arms…. visit to salon on day 5 for a blow dry made me feel human!!!! Wearing the breast band is probably the most uncomfortable thing, def recommend ordering yourself a spare from macom as they it’s feels gross wearing it 24/7 & not being able to shower!

    1st post op check, 1.5 hr train journey on my own into London was daunting but was absolutely fine. It went really well, healing perfectly! Itching from surgery dressing removal was unbelievable! Right breast feeling super hard & more tender but I’m right handed & that side had the bigger implant.

    Week 2, stop taking paracetamol 12 days post op, tightness from dressings most uncomfortable & the itching….. slight changes to shape, starting to see swelling reduce & slight dropping. Getting out & about, but super tired if I do too much. Post op check was fab, got the go ahead for showering! Best shower & hair wash ever!!! Feel like I can do more each day that passes, starting to get uncomfortable sleeping though, getting restless legs which drives me nuts!! Bruising coming out!

    Changing my own tape dressing though makes me feel super queasy & nearly pass out in shower 3rd time taking it off! Only time I’ve felt so faint & sick!

    So week 3, went out for a very slow 5k walk, was good to get out, conscious of not over doing it but itching to get moving! Noticing some pains around my ribs just under breasts, like it’s bruised, I expect it is. Generally feeling bit sensitive & tender still but ok, feel tired still & not really ready to do too much. Have had to do admin work from home from week 1 but Only doing the necessities. Sleeping is worse, I’m a front sleeper so still sleeping slightly upright & waking up every time I’m trying to move to my side, I guess this is a good thing!! But I’m knackered!

    I’m trying not to compare daily but I can notice changes happening. The shape is nice & round, they’re still hard but softening slowly, definitely dropping & and the scars are healing so quickly. The bloating has almost gone, but my stomach & skin is in bits from all of the meds. I don’t take any meds at all normally & manage my ibs through a super clean all natural, gluten free, dairy free diet so my body was def not used to all the meds & trauma.

    Hope this is useful to those researching, pre op or at the same stage wondering how everyone else is getting on!! Will attempt to upload! A pic xxxx

    Emily 7

    Pics week 2 & 3

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    Rachel 15

    That’s really helpful to me so thank you. Like you I have my own business so having to lay more responsibilities with my staff before my op in Jan including forklift training them. It’s the little things that you mentioned too like being tired from not sleeping from being on your back. I’m the same as you as I’m a front/side sleeper and dreading that bit! Looking forward to seeing your after pics xx

    Emily 7

    Tbh the rest from Work has done me the world of good & the staff have coped amazingly, quite frankly they are more than capable & I need to let them hahahaha… my role was super physical though, lifting deliveries , running up & down stairs, on my feet constantly & doing about 16k per day! So I’ve actually taken myself out of the physical duties until the new year because that coupled with a 7 days a week operation, the stress of running the entire business by myself & managing 13 staff and hundreds of tricky customers is just not going to help recovery. I would recommend taking as much time for yourself as possible, I actually have not really felt like getting my teeth stuck in either, rest is so important. Xx

    Serena 37

    This post was really helpful and your boobs look amazing! I’m having 350/375cc with Dr Fiumara in January so seeing your pictures is really reassuring 🙂
    Hope you don’t mind me adding you as a friend, I’d love to see your progress xx

    Emily 7

    You are in amazing hands with Dr Fiumara! Glad this helped! Yes def add as friend xxx don’t hesitate if you have any other questions xx


    This is an amazing post! I’m booked in with Dr Linda at the end of next month for just the consultation. I live in manchester and own my mown business too so had to book ahead for a day off.
    I’m currently a 32c now and hoping to go to a DD, I want something that will suit my frame. I’m 5.3 and weigh about 8.5 stone. Around size 8/10.
    I don’t want to look too heavy but I want nice fullness in bikinis and bra etc.
    Have you any before pictures Emily?
    I’ve chosen Dr fiumara for the reason how natural she makes them look.
    But I’m still so nervous that they’ll look silly on me ???? Xx

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