Nervous and panicking :( Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I know I shouldn’t of but I looked at a group on Facebook called mya justice surgery or something and there’s so many horrors on there about their surgery getting cancelled on the day right before they’re about to go in and another ones about their scars are infected and everything it’s really scared me as I’m due to meet my surgeon on the 11th and I’m just over thinking so much like what if that happens to me what if my scars don’t heal what if I’m left with no boobs if It goes wrong.
    Can anyone just give me peace of mind that has had their surgery this year and is so far so good ?
    I know I shouldn’t listen to all the negative over the good it’s like buying a tv it’ll work perfectly for you but someone else it might not work as well for

    Heather 3

    No matter what company you go with, they all have negative reviews and dissatisfied customers. Honestly, I think out of all the costmetic surgery companies I’ve looked at, mya have the most positive reviews.

    natasha 20

    Hun I was like you googling and reading everyday and worried myself so much. I am
    now 6 days post op with Dr Mounir and i am So happy! Everyone has been super attentive and professional with me xx


    So far the lady who I’ve had my first consultation with was more than helpful and friendly and replies back to my emails answering all my questions so far so good but when it comes to surgery I just worry so much Cos I don’t wanna be one of these people who are left with nothing Cos it went wrong but like you said every company is the same not one uses a better knife compared to the other lol x


    No matter where you go there’s positive and negative and it’s human instinct to be drawn to the negative. Try not to worry too much x

    Sophia 47

    I had nothing but an amazing experience. I’m 5WPO now and everything went smoothly, no healing complications etc, staff and surgeon were all amazing. Unfortunately no matter what you research into in this world, whether it be something as big as surgery or something as simple as buying a sandwich, there will never be 100% satisfaction. The positive experiences far outweigh the few bad ones imo xx

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