Newbie :) Started by: Sammie

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  • Sammie

    Hello lovelies!
    I’m so excited! I have booked my initial consultation online (dam covid) for next Thursday!
    I am a size 8, a dinky frame, currently the smaller side of a 34b, 5”2, and breast fed my little girl for around 6months leaving me with nothing that resembles a cleavage….. I am wondering if anyone could give me some information on under/over the muscle when it come to implants? I have no idea of sizing yet, but I would like to be fuller in my breasts… I know they will talk me through all these things in my consultation, but I would like a little bit of knowledge ๐Ÿ™‚

    Loves <3 xxx

    India 6

    Hey hey! Your surgeon will usually tell you which one is best, usually if you have enough breast tissue to cover the implant they will suggest over the muscle as itโ€™s a quicker recovery so you might be lucky! Under the muscle involves creating a breast pocket and tends to look more natural but over tends to give more cleavage! I had unders for my first BA though and the recovery was absolutely fine, hardly any pain xx

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