Numbness Post Op – Help? Started by: Carmen

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  • Carmen

    Hi everyone!

    3 days ago I had my surgery – 300cc mod plus under muscle. Everything went well! Can’t lie, was in AGONY day 1 and 2, and couldn’t keep food down either. Today is loads better; far less pain (just a tight feeling, mainly) eating food again etc. However, I have lost sensation in my left breast/nipple! My right breast is completely normal, no changes in sensation whatsoever, however my left nipple is completely numb, and so is the ‘cleavage’ side of my left breast. I’ve had some needle type sharp pains in that area, and it happened once or twice in the nipple too. Does that mean the nerves are recovering, or is it too early to tell?

    I know temporary loss of sensation is relatively common, and I am only 3 days post op, but being honest a part of me is a bit scared my left nipple will stay numb permanently.

    Did any of you have the same problem? Did your sensation come back? If so, how long did it take?

    BA_283 20

    Hey I’m nearly 4 weeks po and my feeling has come back! Literally had zero feeling on my chest it really scared me but as soon as you feel short sharp pains that’s the nerves repairing! Underneath my nipple is still numb so hoping that returns. I had overs xx

    Heidi 217

    Don’t worry at all it’s totally normal, obviously everyone’s different so varies how long it takes to come back, I’m over 1.5 years post op and one nipples still totally numb, kind of annoying but worth it for the boobs! The rest of my boobs have full sensation now (didn’t to begin with) xxx

    Jade 11

    I’m almost 4 weeks and nipples are numb and everything underneath them x

    Shannon 8

    im almost 6 weeks post op and my underboob is totally numb!

    Tracy 38

    I’m 18 months in and both lower halves of my boobs are numb and so is my left nipple. Don’t think its going to change now.

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