Op day tomorrow Started by: Kayleigh

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  • Kayleigh 4

    So tomorrow is my op day. I’ve woken up with a cold today. Will they still do op? I’m so nervous and been so anxious the last week. Worried about the whole op and healing process. Can i hear some positive stories from the GA and after pain. And if I’ll be able to have it done with a cold still xx


    I can’t see why not as long as your airways are clear and chest I felt terrible the morning of my opp due to dehidrtion sick and migraine. As for the GA and opp it’s self don’t worry it’s good I love being put to sleep best feeling in the world they give you anti sickness through a drip as well so I never felt sick just really relaxed and calm and then I was out like a light after I awoke I never had no pain at all and I thought I would of because I had 300cc HP under the muscle from basically no chest at all 30AAA but nope no pain till the next day and then it just felt like I pulled all my muscles but I do have a strong pain barrier don’t worry hun enjoy the experience hope this helps 🙂

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