Pain worries Started by: Jem

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  • Jem 7

    I’m currently 3days po, I know pain is to be expected obviously, but most of my pain is in one of the lower incisions. I keep having to sit holding my bra off that part of me because it’s making it sore. Is this normal? It’s making it hard to move around because it hurts more when I stand up! xxx

    Lily 2

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    Hi try not to worry too much as your only day 3. It can be just your skin adjusting and healing, getting tight. I would be up for hours in the night crying almost because I was more frustrated than anything. It takes time, just keep on top of your pain relief and I found it went by day 5. But I had strapping, do you have strapping? X

    Jem 7

    I don’t have any strapping Hun no. I had my dressings changed yesterday because they were all stained. Still dead tight every where but it was just the incision that was worrying me. But glad to hear it’s normal! xxx

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