Possible revision, advice please?? Started by: Jamie

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  • Jamie 55

    Hi girls, so I had 380 moderate overs from a 34a on the 21st of may. Around a week in I was very swollen in my sternum, my gut instinct was it was more than swelling, but it did settle down. My surgeon has been great and very helpful always answers my emails and has seen me when I’ve asked to. I saw him at 6 weeks and everything was great. I’ve had a great recovery, no pain. The last few weeks I’ve noticed that my cleavage joins together in a bra. ( I’m now 12 weeks post op) Naked and bra less I love them! As soon as a bra goes on they join together there is no gap whatsoever, one girl described them as two cherries joined. Even in the post op bras. I sent him a video and I am seeing him on the 7th of September. I’ve noticed this week when I lay down my right implant moves more than I think it should. The only way I can describe is if I didn’t have a left boob I could slide it all the way across my chest? (My left doesn’t do this) therefore the skin lifts in the middle and when they are pushed in any bra they join. my gut instinct is the pocket has either been over dissected, or I have symmastia. I can’t post pictures as I didn’t end up going with mya. From research I feel I will need a revision and possibly go under the muscle instead, I obviously don’t know for sure until I meet with my surgeon again, but was hoping for some advice? Or opinions or anyone that has experienced anything like this. I’m gutted becuase I am really happy with them apart from this xx


    Hi Jamie, what happened in the end?? Mine were quite far apart straight after and gradually
    Getting closer
    To the point where one was going over the middle
    Cleavage. I’ve been so upset my surgeon told me to roll up a hankie an Put it in the middle so it keeps a cleavage but it’s not doing too much yet. Jus a tiny gap so interested to see what happened to you? Thanks Polly

    Jamie 55

    Hi polly, I ended up having revision surgery about 8 months ago, and I’m so much happier I no longer get as much movement from the right implant, I had to have the pockets closed up in the middle with permanent sutures to my sternum and opened up at the side, I tried the rolled up hankie and it didn’t work, I have an instagram page if you want to have a look just DM me first so I know it’s you, ba_380_overs

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