Pre op today Started by: alice

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  • alice 4

    Im guessing pre op is not scary at all or to much of a big thing but anybody got any tips or hints of any questions i should ask or what kind goes on ?

    Aimee 5

    Me too ?

    alice 4

    hope yours went okay mine went good no problems so next step SURGERY woo !!

    Ashleigh 27

    Alice what happened?? I have mine on Tuesday can you talk me through it hahah! Xxxxx

    alice 4

    it was so easy and chilled basically
    1. basic medical stuff anything your taking or health problems
    2. sign to say they can contact your GP
    3. sign to say they have spoken to you about the genral stuff which i can now not remember oops haha i remember no fake tan and not eating n drinking for the certain hours but she will go through that stuff i would have probs found it handy to make a little note of that at the time !!
    4. swab of nose and armpit
    5. get some letter leaflet things
    – +book your post op 1 week check
    6. before pics and your done.
    was in there for about 20 mins max.

    and she was lovely i could have asked her anything but i forget all my questions haha ! Im so excited now they won’t see me till i have my new boobs eeeekkkkk xxxxx

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