RECOVERY Started by: Abbie

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  • Abbie

    I have my operation booked for the 30th April when was it that people actually start moving about and going out places again as I have a friend asking about a birthday which is two weeks after my operation I was just wondering if I’d still be able to go or is it just depending on how you’re feeling and pain

    Laura Simmons 27

    Hey Abbie
    Are you having overs or unders? I had overs and went out for my birthday 13 days post op and I was completely fine. But obviously everyone is different and unders will take a little longer to be comfortable


    I am 2 weeks post op today, I had unders and am still tender and sore but not in any pain as such. Personally I wouldn’t feel like going on a night out tonight but maybe if was just a meal I could manage that.

    Poppy 15

    I’m 6 days PO today with overs and would happily go out and get drunk if it was at a bar with stools or where you stand around chatting to people but I wouldn’t go to a club and dance because too much movement kinda feels like your boobs are gonna fall out lol. it’s not painful though, just uncomfortable


    Hey ☺️

    I’m just over 3 weeks post op I had 460 cc ultra high profile unders
    from week 2 I was okay to do things like
    Going for meals
    To the cinema
    going shopping
    But don’t think I would have been in the mood to go to a party because my boobs were still so tender still are at 3 weeks and by the end of the day ide want to go home and relax
    It all depends on how you feel at the time
    At 2 weeks I was even more achey and boobs still felt heavy and extremely tight they softened abit since then i wasn’t in extreme pain though at 2weeks post op like I was at the start
    I had unders it’s different recovery with overs unders take longer

    Charlottex 17

    I’m 8 days post op now and day 5 I went for food and cinema and day 6 I went to the hair dressers! I had overs so I know unders can be a little bit longer to recover! I think it all really depends on your body and how quick it recovers! I’d agree with poppy though that it would be okay for drinks if you are sat down but nightclubbing would be a bit too much😂 plus you probably will feel Tired a lot quicker as you are still reviving from your op, this is what my nurse said to me today about when I go back to work x

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