Recovery with kids Started by: Lucy

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  • Lucy 1

    Hi ladies

    I’m having my surgery the first week of February 2020. I just wanted to find out from anyone with young children, who have had surgery, roughly how long you needed help for?

    My daughter will be 20 months when I have my surgery. My husband works away so I’m relying on my mum and in-laws to be able to help me out a bit straight after surgery..

    I’ve planned a week between everyone to come over but wondering if I might not need this long, or if I could need longer.

    Any advice would be appreciated!

    Thanks xx

    Izabela -2

    Hi @LUCY
    I’m single mum of three boys, 5 yrs old twins and a 4 year old (in one month☺️). I don’t have any family here, only my in-laws but they don’t know about my surgery. I wanted to have it done a couple of months ago but my surgeon didn’t agree once he found out about my situation. He said I need to have someone to help out with the children for at least two weeks. I arranged for my mum to come over and stay begging of this month and booked op for the 4th. Unfortunately my mum had to go back after a week po which made me feel pretty scared and frustrated ?? I’m healing well but still need help with school and nursery runs that luckily my friends helped me with. Need to take it very easy with cleaning (wasn’t allowed to hoover for two weeks?). Two weeks passes today! It’s difficult at times, I get really tired and achy but so far I manage pretty much on my own. If you have any questions – ask 🙂 I imagine it will be more difficult with a baby though, I still wouldn’t lift anyrhing heavy or push a pushchair although my surgeon said I was allowed to after two weeks, but just start iff slow and easy. Xxx

    Tara 12

    Hey I have a 23 month old. My husband had to go abroad 5 days after my op. I just had to adapt. I’m not saying it was easy but weve got there. My son was able to climb into the car etc on his own though and we just changed him from a cot to a bed. I still can’t lift him although I have once without thinking. Help does make things easier!

    Jade 11

    My son was 2 and a half, I struggled getting him in and out of bed (he was still in a cot) the bath, getting him in out of his car seat and even just having him on my lap for a cuddle! I needed atleast a full 2 weeks but didn’t lift him for the full 6 as advised

    Lucy 1

    Oh wow you’ve definitely got your hands full there. Thanks so much for this, hope you are feeling better soon xx

    Lucy 1

    Thanks so much for this. She’s still in a cot and wouldn’t be able to climb into her car seat, as my car is quite high up, which is why I thought I might need a bit of help if I could get it for the first week or so.. my neighbour will help take my son to school which will be helpful. I think it will mainly be bedtime that’s the hardest bit, and then getting her up in the morning xx

    Lucy 1

    Thank you for this. It’s really useful to hear everyone’s feedback because I know people who have the same surgery, but they don’t have young children so haven’t had that element to consider during the recovery period. Did you have implants over or under the muscle? X

    Jade 11

    Mine were overs x

    Izabela -2

    Mine are overs as well xxx

    Tara 12

    Mine are dual plane so partially under the muscle

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